Rare photos of Einstein’s brain reveal significant differences with average human

Researchers at Florida State University have gotten a close look at unpublished photos of Albert Einstein’s brain that collectively reveal the brilliant physicist’s entire cerebral cortex. 14 images in all were analyzed, with most taken from “unconventional angles” according to a study published today. They reveal some striking physical differences between Einstein’s cranium and that of your average person.

First and foremost, Einstein’s prefrontal cortex is described as “extraordinary,” with experts surmising this may have contributed to his astute cognitive abilities. The photos also dispel earlier beliefs that Einstein’s brain was spherical in shape; it was not. All in all, the research suggests such anomalies may have “provided underpinnings” for the groundbreaking work Einstein would accomplish in his lifetime. Still, how much impact physiological differences have on the way our brains actually work remains up for debate. In any event, the images provide a fascinating look at one of the most important minds in history.

Via io9
Source Oxford Journals (pdf)

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