First BlackBerry 10 smartphones suggested to start arriving in February

With RIM having now announced their launch event for BlackBerry 10, there are a good many folks out there wondering when exactly they’ll actually be able to put a BlackBerry 10 device in their hands, myself included. According to a new article from Bloomberg, February is looking pretty solid for some, albeit, unspecified regions.

“We want to do it as quickly as possible,” Chief Operating Officer Kristian Tear said in an interview following RIM’s announcement of the Jan. 30 date earlier in the day. Though the first phones won’t go on sale simultaneously worldwide, RIM is aiming for a release on multiple continents within 30 days of the unveiling, Tear said.

As we already know, RIM has over 50 carriers on board for BlackBerry 10 but specific roll out times will vary across carriers. A global launch is the goal for BlackBerry 10 and while it’s certainly not unobtainable, it comes down to the carriers to announce availability on their individual networks.

Some carriers will be first, some carriers will be later. Either way, it’s a Q1 2013 launch that we’re looking at here as RIM has said repeatedly and we’re sure to hear more specifics once the information is fully unveiled at the launch event. Hang onto your hats, folks!

Source: Bloomberg

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